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Community Health

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​S​tart your journey to better health with us today.


​Woodlands Health​ Community Health Team

W​e are a team of Hea​lth Coaches and Community Nurses, here to care for your health and well-being.


​​Community He​alth Posts​​

Our Community Health Posts (CHP) are touchpoin​ts within the neighbourhood that will provide residents with easy access to health services near their homes.

Our Community Health Team will serve at CHPs on selected days and hours.

Residents may walk in or schedule an appointment to meet with our Health Coach or Community Nurse ​using this form.​
We offer a range of services to support active and healthy living, and make post-hospital recovery and chronic disease management more comfortable and hassle-free. 

Services: ​
  • Planning your health journey and setting goals
  • Managing your chronic health conditions 
  • Recommending suitable exercises and wellness programmes​
  • Connecting you with community resources, activities and care services​
Our Locations & Operating Hours:

  1. ​​Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (Champions)

    Blk 569A, Champions Way, #01-346, Singapore 731569

    Tue & Thu: 9.30am - 6.00pm
    Fri​: 9.30​am - 12.30pm​

  2. Care Corner Active Ageing Centre (Marsiling)​

    ​Blk 16 Marsiling Lane, #01-195, Singapore 730016​

    Tue & Thu: 9.30am​ - 6.00pm
    ​Sat: 9.30am - 1.00pm (every 2nd and 4th Sat only)

  3. ​​NTUC Health Active Ageing Hub (Kampung Admiralty)

    ​Blk 676, Wood​lands Drive 71, #06-01, Singapore 730676

    Wed & Thu: 9.00am - 6.00pm
    ​Sat: 9.00am​ - 1.00pm​ (every 1st and 3rd Sat only)​ 

  4. NTUC Health Active Ageing Centre (Marsiling)

    Blk 180A, Marsiling Road, #01-2208, Singapore 731180

    Mon & Wed: 9.00am -​ 6.00pm

  5. Orange Valley Active Ageing Centre (Woodlands Peak)

    ​Blk 302A, Woodlands Street 31, #01-327, Singapore 731302

    Tue & Thu: 9.00am -​ ​6.00pm

  6. ​​Sree Narayana Mission Senior Care Centre (Woodlands)

    ​Blk 860, Wo​odlands Street 83, #01-170 Singapore 730860

    Mon & Wed: 9.00am - 5:30pm​​​​​

  7. ​​​Sunlove Active Ageing Centre (Golden Saffron)

    Blk 764B, Wood​lands Circle, #01-208, Singapore 732764

    Mon, Wed & Thu: 9.00am - 12.00pm​​
  8. ​​​Sunlove Active Ageing Centre (Marsiling)

    Blk 3, Marsiling Road, #01-5137, Singapore 730003

    Mon & Wed: 9.00am - 5:30pm​​​​​

  9. ​​Convenant Evangelical Free Church​

    90 Woodlands Drive​ 16, Singapore 737878

    ​Every 4th Thursday: 1.00pm - 4.00pm​​
  10. Precious Active Ageing Centre (Treegrove @ Woodlands)

    Blk 887 Woodlands Drive 50, #01-01, Singapore 730887

    Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday​​: 9.00am - 5.00pm​

  11. Woodlands Regional Library

    900 South Woodlands Dr, #01-03 Civic Centre, Singapore 730900

    ​Thu: 10.30am - 6.00pm
    ​Sat: 10.30am - 2.00pm​​​
  12. Yusof Ishak Mosque

    10 Woodlands Drive 17, Singapore 737740

    Every last Tuesday​​ of the month: 10.00am – 2.00pm
  13. NTUC Health Active Ageing Centre (Care) (Marsiling)​

    Blk 172 Woodlands Street 13, #01-315, ​​Singapore 730712​

    ​Every 3rd Tuesday​​ of the month: 9.00am – 12.00pm

​Our Programm​es


​Frequently Asked Questio​ns​

  1. ​Where can I meet the Community Healt​h Team (CHT)?​

    Our CHT may meet you at a Community Health Post (​CHP) location to discuss your healthcare support needs.

  2. What does a Health Coach do?​

    Our Health Coach will work with you to develop a care plan that achieves your health goals. He/She will be your motivator in staying through the plan that may include joining exercise sessions, health screenings, fall prevention programmes, weight management programmes and more.

  3. Do I need to book an appointment?

    You can walk in or schedule an appointment to meet with our Health Coach or Community Nurse ​ ​using this form

  4. Are there any charges?

    There are no charges for a consultation with our Health Coach or Community Nurse.

  5. Why should I meet the CHT?

    The CHT will support residents to improve or manage their health better. If you are 40 years old and above, you are highly encouraged to walk in to start a conversation on health management.

  6. Will there be more CHPs in the future?​​

    We will be progressively opening more CHPs in the future within the neighbourhood, to provide residents with easy access to health services near their homes. Bookmark and revisit this page for the most updated list of locations.