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Meet Thanageswary Govindasamy

I’ve always been interested in healthcare since my schooling days where I used to be a health aid. I enjoy interacting with people, and I love to help – so healthcare was the perfect place for me. - Thanageswary Govindasamy, Senior Triage Specialist
​"Do not let what you cannot do, intefere with what you can do."

​​​​​​​​Meet Thanageswary Govindasamy, a Senior Triage Specialist at Woodlands Health​  

Tell us more about your role.  

I’m in a team of triage specialists and we form the Virtual Care Centre, a branch of our Contact Centre. 

In my area of work, I ensure individuals get access to the appropriate level of care. In order to do so, we require a strong clinical background to be able to identify and prioritise the level of care required, from scheduling a clinic visit to directing patients to the Emergency Department (ED), we require a strong clinical background.  

Aside from having the knowledge to triage cases accurately,​ I also need to be proficient in communicating to patients and their next-of-kin, especially when handling complex enquiries. 

At the backend, part of my job also involves working with clinicians and being able to relay complex cases in a timely and effective way. At the end of the day, all of us aspire to improve clinical outcomes for our patients. 

What drove you to join healthcare?

I’ve always been interested in healthcare since my schooling days where I used to be a health aid. I enjoy interacting with people, and I love to help – so healthcare was the perfect place for me. 

What is one thing that spurs you on at work? 

I appreciate the abundance of opportunities to upskill at work, this motivates me to continue striving to do better, every day. 

What is one thing about your job, that you feel is unknown or misunderstood? 

There may not be much awareness on triage specialists and what we do – often people assume that we only triage cases seen at the Emergency Department but that’s not the case. As a triage specialist, we also triage external referrals from other clinics and hospitals to the appropriate sub-specialty within our institution. 

We also ensure continuity of care and patient satisfaction through the provision of proactive post-discharge phone calls to patients.

Can you share with us one or two memorable moments from your time in WH or healthcare?
For me, most of my memorable moments were spent with my small team – I am grateful for relationships I have gained through work. 

What do you love about your job? 

Being able to be there for patients and see them get better -  nothing beats that sense of fulfilment from knowing that you made a difference, no matter how small.

What is your favourite quote and personal mantra?

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
  – John Wooden

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