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Meet Charmaine Lim

​​​​​"What drives me at work is the knowledge that I'm making a meaningful contribution to my patients' health and safety, as well as the broader healthcare system.​"​ - Charmaine Lim, Senior Pharmacist​
​​​​​​​​"What drives me at work is the knowledge that I'm making a meaningful contribution to my patients' health and safety, 
as well as the broader healthcare system.​"

- Charmaine Lim, Senior Pharmacist at Woodlands Health​

How long have you been in your role?

​I've been a pharmacist at WH for 6 years.

Summarise your job scope in 1-2 sentences.

Having to wear multiple hats in my role as a pharmacist makes the job very fulfilling, albeit challenging at times. I ensure the safe and effective use of medications for inpatients by collaborating with doctors to optimize regimens and address any issues like compliance or finances. Additionally, I run and oversee the Nutrition Support service, prescribing tailored Parenteral Nutrition for patients unable to take food orally.

​ As a Medication Safety Officer, I investigate medication errors, monitor trends and propose improvements for a safer workplace. I also mentor pre-registration pharmacists and serve as an EPIC Credentialed Trainer to enhance our department's processes and readiness for system advancements.

What drove you to join healthcare?

I was initially drawn to the healthcare field after my grandmother experienced a heart attack when I was 17. Witnessing the care she received sparked a desire in me to acquire the skills needed to support my family and others in similar situations. Additionally, working alongside dedicated pharmacists during a part-time hospital job after my A-levels further solidified my passion for healthcare, and I have been committed to it ever since.

What is one thing that spurs you on at work?

What drives me at work is the knowledge that I'm making a meaningful contribution to my patients' health and safety, as well as the broader healthcare system. Additionally, the opportunity to continuously challenge myself, grow both professionally and personally, and expand beyond my comfort zone is what keeps me fulfilled.

What is one thing about your job, that you feel is unknown or misunderstood?

One aspect of my job that's occasionally misunderstood is the diverse range of roles within the healthcare team. Sometimes, there's a perception that only doctors hold the key to improving health outcomes. However, it's important to highlight the collaborative nature of our work, where each team member plays a crucial role.

While some patients or their families may not fully recognize the contributions of non-doctor healthcare professionals, we appreciate the opportunity to educate and work together for the best possible care. Fortunately, the majority of our patients are open-minded and appreciative of our collective efforts.

Can you share with us one or two memorable moments from your time in WH or healthcare?

One memorable experience from my time in WH was during the COVID-19 pandemic when I was working at TTSH. While it was a challenging period, it was also a time of great learning and growth for me. However, it's not an experience I particularly wish to relive!

What do you love about your job?

What I love about my job is the ability to positively impact patients' health. I appreciate how receptive our doctors are to pharmacists' recommendations, and I'm grateful for the trust our patients place in us, often heeding our advice regarding their medications.

What is your favourite quote and personal mantra?

While I don't have a favourite quote or mantra, I embrace optimism and live by the principle of enjoying the present moment. You might often hear me saying to myself, 'Don’t stress about things you can’t control,' or 'Do one thing at a time, and you’ll get them all done eventually.

If​ you are interested in contributing to the healthcare sector, join us! View our openings and apply at ​