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Meet Glenda Lee

"Patients keep me motivated. ​I always want to do my best in ensuring that patients are taking their mediciations correctly." - Glenda Lee, Pharmacy Technician
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"The stones that life throw at you will be your stepping stones for tomorrow. Even if it's hard now, remember that only you can do what you want to do." 
Meet ​​​​Glenda Lee, a Pharmacy Te​chnician at Woodlands Health​​


How long have you been a Pharmacy Technician? 

I have been working as a Pharmacy Technician in Woodlands Health for 2 years.

Tell us more about your role. 

I help to dispence and educate patients about their​ medications, and also ensure that the pharmacy floor operations run smoothly. 

As pharmacy technicians, it is important for us to be detail-oriented to ensure that patient receive the correct medications.

What drove you to join healthcare? 

I love helping others, so I was naturally drawn to healthcare. I recall how I was amazed by the profesionalism of the healthcare staff I met when I used to accompany my aunt and uncle on their medical appointments as a child. I started to enrol in relevant course, to prepare myself for a career in healthcare. 

What is one thing that spurs you on at work?

Patients - they keep me motivated. I always want to do my best in ensuring that patients are taking their mediciations correctly and that they have sufficient mediciation to last them till the next appointment. 

What is one thing about your job, that you feel is unknown or misunderstood?

Patients often confuse us with pharmacists. Although we work in the same setting, our duties and responsibilities are very different.

As pharmacy technicians, we assist pharmacists in the preparation and dispensing of medicines to patients, as well as help in inventory management and other pharmacy-related tasks. 

On the other hand, pharmacists review prescriptions to ensure medicine doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions and counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of their medications.

Can you share with us one or two memorable moments from your time in WH or healthcare?

I treasure the time spent with my team mates. One memorable moment was when I attended our 1st year-end party which was held virtually on Zoom due to the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the limited face-to-face interactions, I still enjoyed myself! 

What do you love about your job?

What I love about my job is having opportunities to meet and interact with people - be it patients, my team mates, the nurses and healthcare colleagues. I am thankful for the opportunities they have given me to learn and grow as a healthcare professional and as an individual. Everyday I strive to become a better version of myself. 

What is your favourite quote and personal mantra?

There's this quote that I personally resonate with, "The stones that life throw at you will be your stepping stones for tomorrow. Even if it's hard now, remember that only you can do what you want to do."

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