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Meet Dominic Poh

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"Beyond financial assistance, we also provide emotional support, counselling, and assistance with navigating complex healthcare systems.​​"​ - Dominic Poh, Medical Social Worker​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"While financial assistance is indeed a crucial aspect of what we do, it's just one piece of the puzzle. What many don't realise is that our role as medical social workers encompasses a wide range of responsibilities aimed at addressing the holistic needs of individuals and their families facing health challenges.​​"

- Dominic Poh, Medical Social Worker at Woodlands Health​


How long have you been in current your role?

I began my journey in social work back in 2017, and subsequently joined YH in 2018. I've been with WH since March 2022.


Summarise your job scope in 1-2 sentences.

In my role as a medical social worker, I play a crucial role in providing comprehensive support to patients and their families. This involves a multifaceted approach where I offer practical assistance, such as facilitating access to financial aid resources, coordinating discharge planning to ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home, and providing counseling and emotional support to help alleviate the burdens and challenges associated with their health condition.

​By addressing both the practical and emotional needs of patients and their families, I strive to enhance their overall well-being and empower them to cope more effectively with the impacts of illness.


What led you to choose a career in healthcare?

My personal experience witnessing the compassionate care given to my grandmother during her illness inspired me to pursue a career in healthcare. At 19, I was deeply moved and realised I wanted to make a positive difference in people's lives during their most vulnerable moments. This led me to choose this path.​


What keeps you motivated at work?

What keeps me going at work is the strong bond and support I have with my coworkers. Even when things get tough, we stick together like a team, helping each other out and focusing on our common goals. Knowing we're all working towards the same purpose gives me the drive to keep doing my best and making a difference in the lives of those we help.​


What aspect of your job do you think is often misunderstood?

One common misconception about our role is that it solely revolves around providing financial assistance. While financial assistance is indeed a crucial aspect of what we do, it's just one piece of the puzzle. What many don't realise is that our role as medical social workers encompasses a wide range of responsibilities aimed at addressing the holistic needs of patients and their families facing health challenges.

​Beyond financial assistance, we also provide emotional support, counselling, and assistance with navigating complex healthcare systems. We collaborate with healthcare teams to ensure seamless transitions between different levels of care and advocate for our patients' rights and well-being. Additionally, we work closely with community resources to help patients access services that promote overall health and stability.


Could you share a memorable moment from your time in healthcare?

A memorable moment from my healthcare journey occurred during my time in the Emergency Department. I was called to assist in a family violence case, which required an urgent home visit with the patient and involvement of the police. Despite the intensity of the situation, it was an impactful and insightful experience.


What do you enjoy most about your job?

What I enjoy most about my job is the meaningful connections I get to build with patients and their families. Being able to be there for them in their time of need and off​ering a compassionate presence is incredibly rewarding. It's fulfilling to know that I can make a positive impact in their lives, even in the smallest of ways.


Do you have a favourite quote or personal mantra?

Not really! But when workload is overwhelming, I always listen to “Gaho – Running” to keep myself pumped.


What made you join WH?

I grew up in Woodlands, so when the opportunity arose to work at a new hospital in this area, I was immediately drawn to it. The chance to contribute to the healthcare needs of my hometown and be part of an institution committed to serving its residents resonated deeply with me. I saw it as not only a professional opportunity but also a chance to give back to the community that has shaped me.


What motivated you to stay on with us?

After two years, what made me stay with WH were the abundant opportunities and exposure it offered. Additionally, being part of the pioneering team involved in operational matters leading to the hospital's full opening was a truly enlightening experience that solidified my commitment.

If​ you are interested in contributing to the healthcare sector, join us!  View our openings and apply at ​​