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Meet Nurses' Merit Award 2024 Recipient Mary Neo

"Nursing has brought profound rewards, giving me a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment. I remain dedicated to extending care and support to those in need." - Mary Neo Tze Guan, Deputy Director of Nursing
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"The ability to make a meaningful contribution and help others keeps me motivated as a nurse."​​

- ​Mary Neo Tze Guan, Deputy Director of Nursing at Woodlands Health​

​​​​Please tell us more about your current role at Woodlands Health.

As Ambulatory Enterprise nursing lead, I oversee peri-operatives areas (OT, Endoscopy and CSSD), Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Specialist Outpatient Clinics.

How long have you been a nurse?

Since 1985, when I started out as a student nurse, I graduated in 1988 and began my career as an OT nurse at SGH.

What made you decide to choose nursing as a profession, and how have those feelings evolved throughout your many years in the profession?

Choosing nursing as my profession was a lifelong ambition dating back to my school days, fueled further by personal experiences as a patient. Over my 36-year career, I've encountered numerous significant events, each with its own story, all underscored by resilience and perseverance in adversity.

Working in the Operating Theatre has been both fulfilling and challenging. I take great pride in delivering high standards of care to surgical patients. Despite brief interactions before procedures, I understand the lasting impact of a healing touch, a reassuring smile, and comforting words.

One particularly memorable moment stands out. At a wedding dinner, a woman identified me as her nurse despite my mask and scrubs, recognising me by my voice. It highlighted the profound connection we can forge with patients.

Nursing has brought profound rewards, giving me a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment. I remain dedicated to extending care and support to those in need.

Can you share an anecdote about a patient that’s left an impression on you?

During my Year 1 attachment to the labor ward, I had the opportunity, guided by a consultant, to assist in delivering a newborn. It was a memorable experience that left a lasting impression on me.

How have the roles and job scope of nurses evolved over the decades?

Over the decades, the roles and job scope of nurses have evolved significantly. Tasks such as making brown cotton wool on stainless-steel bowls for cleaning have been replaced by disposable wipes. Documentation has shifted from hard copies to electronic formats with audit trails, fostering innovation to streamline labour-intensive processes.

What are some other little-known facets of the nursing profession that you wished people knew more about?

Beyond the public eye, nurses often face high-risk situations and exposure to infections, particularly during events like SARS and COVID-19.

What is some advice you would have for those who are thinking of joining the nursing profession?

My advice to those considering the nursing profession: Are you committed to dedicating your time to help those in need?

What keeps you going as a nurse?

The ability to make a meaningful contribution and help others keeps me motivated as a nurse.

If there’s anything you’d tell your younger self, what would it be?

Do your best in every task you undertake; you'll never regret giving your best effort. ​ ​
