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Your Rights & Responsibilities

​​​​​Know​ your rights and responsibilities as a patient.


Your Rights & Responsibilities

WH is committed to providing you with reliable and best value care. We respect you as a patient and want you to be engaged and empowered in your care.

We also seek for you to understand your rights and responsibilities as a patient so that we can care for you better.


What are your rights as a patient?​

  • Receive safe and well-coordinated care that meets your needs.

  • Be provided with information about your condition and care plan.

  • Be treated with respect and kindness throughout your care journey with WH.

  • Be examined and treated in a private environment.

  • Your information will be respected, kept private and confidential according to the law.

  • Participate, decline or withdraw from any research project without needing to provide a reason.

  • To know your care team and their roles and responsibilities.

  • To know your diagnosis and care plan.

  • To decide which care plan is best for you with your care team.

  • To refuse or discontinue recommended care.

  • To give feedback without it affecting the quality of your medical treatment, care or service.

  • To seek a second opinion to better understand your condition and care options.​

  • To provide complete and accurate information about you and your health.

  • Ask if you do not understand your condition or care plan provided.

  • Allow WH to contact you via mail, email, SMS or other electronic means about your health and care plans.

  • Allow WH to share your medical records with other public healthcare institutions who are providing care for you.

  • Follow care plans offered by your care team.

  • Inform your care team if you have concerns with following the care plan.

  • Follow WH’s rules and regulations and treat our facilities with care.

  • Be on time for your appointments.

  • Treat all staff, patients and visitors with respect and courtesy.

  • Inform the ward nurse if you have arranged for a religious counsellor to visit or pray with you.

  • Ask a staff if you need help finding a religious counsellor or center.

  • Be respectful of other patients when conducting religious and spiritual counselling.

  • Pay your hospital bills on time.

  • Ask the Patient Billing Service team if you have questions or need help with payment.

Please visit WH Patient Charter​ for more information.