Patients diagnosed with tendon pain disorders often report:
- A sudden surge in physical activity levels (someone who did too much spring cleaner before chinese new year)
- Adopt new physical activities/movement without adequate conditioning or training (after the pandemic, taking up badminton 3x/week)
- Overloading the tendon: high volume, repetitive movements over a period of time without sufficient rest (renovation: painting the whole house)
- Direct trauma to tendon (fall from the bicycle using the hand to support your fall, or a hard knock at your elbow against the wall)
Identifying the cause of tendinopathy is important for its management.
Risk factors for tendon pain:
Occupation or social activities that require repetitive use: carpentry, F&B, etc
Activities that require fast forceful movements like badminton, throwing, competitive swimming
Surge in housework during festive period
Medical: Obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes
Traumatic tendon injury
Structural deformity at the joint, causing tendon compression
Use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Use of steroids, especially long term or injection(s) performed at the site of pain
Auto-immune diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondyloarthritis)