To help us achieve the best results and experience for you, some preparations may be required. Below are some preparations that will ensure a smooth and successful MRI scan appointment.
You must inform your doctor or our staff before scheduling an appointment if you:
Are pregnant, or there is a chance you may be pregnant.
Are unable to lie down for 30 to 60 minutes.
Have a history of claustrophobia (fear of being in enclosed spaces).
Have a history of reduced kidney function (renal impairment).
Have had a previous allergic reaction to an MRI contrast agent.
- Have any metallic or electronic implants such as:
- Pacemaker / neurostimulator / cochlear implants / insulin pumps
- Vessel coils / filters / stents / clips
- Metallic clips / orthopaedic implants
- Have previous metallic foreign bodies such as:
- metallic bits in the eye
- Charm needles
- Shrapnels
- Bullet
Any other surgery or procedures where you are unsure if you had an implant.
In case it is unsafe to proceed with the MRI due to the nature of the implant or location of the metallic foreign body, the scan may have to be rescheduled or cancelled, in discussion with your referring doctor. For your safety, you must provide us with accurate information.
Fasting and medications
In certain abdomen scans, fasting for four hours before the scan is required. You will be advised accordingly if there is a need to fast. Otherwise, there is no dietary restrictions and you should continue with any medication before the scan.
Outfit and external accessories
It is best to leave all jewelry and metallic accessories and valuables at home as you will be asked to remove them before the MRI scan. Please do not apply make-up, hair-sprays, or use coloured contact lens as these may affect the images.