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Whistle Blowing

Whistle Blowing

​Reporting of a case ​/ incident​​

If you observe or have reason to suspect any NHG employees and/or its partners engaged in any wrong-doings, we strongly encourage you to raise your concerns via our NHG whistle-blowing hotlines.
Email [email protected]

Some examples of reportable incidents/concerns include the following:
(a) Fraud/ suspect fraud & irregularities; 
(b) Wilful destruction of NHG assets; 
(c) Instigations to engage in acts of subversion; 
(d) Conduct which is an offence or breach of law; and 
(e) Unethical /Improper practices or non-compliances in regulatory requirements or NHG’s policies.

The whistle-blowing hotlines are managed by an independent third party. Whistle-blowers’ identity will be held in strictest confidence and are encouraged to provide their identity when reporting a case to facilitate investigations. In addition, as long as the reports are made in good faith, whistle-blowers will be accorded protection against any retaliatory actions.​​
